Warts are nothing more than a skin pathology that is not inflammatory in nature. The disease manifests itself in the form of benign neoplasms on the epidermis, the size of which can reach 10-15 mm. Neoplasms of this type do not have favorite places of localization, a wart may first appear on the finger, and then on the face and legs. The unsightly appearance of warts is the main reason why many women, just like men, prefer to get rid of unwanted skin growths.
Clinical picture and characteristics of the disease.

Warts are called rounded formations that occur on the surface of the skin as a result of overgrowth of the upper layer of the epithelium, as well as the papillary subcutaneous ball located directly under it. Sometimes the appearance of formations is in no way related to the proliferation of the epithelium, since they can appear due to infection of the skin with human papillomavirus (HPV). In any case, warts on the soles, hands, and also on the face bring a lot of inconvenience, up to the development of psychological complexes, so the problem of treating them is quite relevant.
The size of the papule depends on its location and variety. The minimum size of the formation is 1. 5 mm, the maximum is 6 cm.
Note! Warts tend to merge, as a result of which the size of the papules increases significantly. The neoplasm takes a cylindrical or hemispherical shape, has a rather bulky appearance and causes discomfort of a psychological and physical nature.
In the early stages of development, the color of the papule does not differ from the color of the skin, however, after a certain time, the formation turns purple, and sometimes even black. Partly due to this color, warts are due to dirt, which perfectly adheres to the rough surface of the formation. The change in color characteristics occurs many times faster if the warts are located on the legs.
What is the reason for the appearance of warts, the etiology of their formation?
When warts appear, the cause of development is the penetration of the human papillomavirus infection into the human body.

Additional Information! A person can be a carrier of the virus for a long period, but due to the absence of manifestations of pathology in the form of warts, do not even guess.
Methods of infection with the virus:
- the presence of wounds and microcracks on the skin contributes to the penetration of the virus inside;
- during close contact with an affected patient. So most of the time the disease is sexually transmitted;
- the use of hygiene products and things of the affected person can also lead to virus infection;
- you can get papillomavirus infection in places of public use, such as a gym, swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna;
- if the mother is a carrier of the virus, it can be transmitted to the child during its passage through the birth canal.
Important! To prevent infection of the baby with papillomavirus, special attention should be paid to the treatment of pathology during pregnancy.
Factors contributing to the development of the disease:
- leading a hectic lifestyle, frequent change of sexual partners;
- neglect of hygiene rules;
- weakened immunity. Even if a person is a carrier of the virus, strong immunity will not allow the latter to become active;
- frequent stress;
- transferred infectious disease;
- chronic fatigue;
- hormonal imbalance;
- avitaminosis;
- bad environmental situation;
- work involving the use of aggressive materials.
types of warts
According to the characteristics of warts and the symptoms that accompany their appearance, there are four main types of neoplasms.
So, the types of warts:
- ordinary or simple;
- flat;
- senile;
- pointed condyloma.
Let us dwell in more detail on the features and characteristics of each type.
Characteristics of a simple wart.
Characteristics of a common wart (common warts) include:
- the predominant place of localization is the back of the hand;
- papule diameter from 1 to 10 mm;
- Common warts usually resolve on their own within two years and do not require special treatment.
A variety of simple warts is plantar (plantar warts).
Characteristics of plantar warts:
- warts on the legs are more likely to appear in people who are characterized by excessive sweating of the legs;
- papules are located mainly in places of increased pressure from shoes on the skin;
- At first, the papule has a yellowish-gray tint, a rough, uneven surface. Advanced stages of pathology are characterized by a change in color to dirty gray, a significant compaction of the affected cover, its keratinization;
- warts on the legs are among the most painful. In some cases, the development of the disease leads to partial disability;
- as a rule, warts on the legs appear alone, but sometimes their number reaches 5-6. With the development of the disease, small plaques can merge and form a mosaic wart.
flat wart or juvenile wart
The main difference between flat or juvenile formations (flat warts) is the fact that these warts appear more often in children and adolescents.
Flat Warts Signs:
- smooth surface of the papule, the size in diameter does not exceed 1. 5 mm;
- the height of the elevation above the nearby areas of the epidermis reaches 2 mm;
- the shape is round or irregular;
- places of localization: the outer surface of the hands, the skin of the face, the lower part of the legs;
- the papule does not stand out much on the skin surface, due not only to its flat shape, but also to its light color (pink, flesh);
- The etiology of juvenile warts is associated with exposure to external stimuli. Therefore, the formation can appear at the site of a cut or injury to the skin.
Symptoms and characteristics of a pointed wart.
The signs that characterize this type of warts, such as condyloma (genital warts), include:
- pink growths that occur in the initial stages of the development of the pathology gradually merge with each other, forming a kind of growth located on a base that looks like a leg;
- a favorite place for the localization of warts of this type is the genitals, both women and men;
- Condyloma is transmitted by contact. The risk of contracting a disease increases if there are microcracks and wounds on the carrier's genitalia;
- a pointed wart is characterized by growth, therefore, when the first signs of an ailment are found, you should immediately contact a dermatologist;
- condyloma is quite a fertile ground for the manifestation and development of other pathologies of the inguinal area. So, the lack of treatment in women can lead to the development of such a serious disease as cervical cancer.
Signs of seborrheic keratosis
Senile wart or the so-called seborrheic keratosis: signs and features of education:
- characteristic of the elderly;
- presumably, the cause of the development of pathology is the defeat of the cells of the main layer of the skin;
- this type of wart has nothing to do with HPV;
- most often manifestations of the disease affect the skin of the chest, less often - the face, neck, hands, forearms and legs;
- the multiple nature of the formations, usually the number of keratosis elements does not exceed 20;
- predisposition to seborrheic warts is genetically transmitted;
- the minimum size of the papule in diameter is 2 mm, the maximum is 6 cm.
The clinic of the senile wart depends on the stage of its development and location on the body. In the early stages, they are flat spots with clearly defined borders, pink or yellow in color, covered with crusts that peel off easily. Over time, the crusts become thick, their thickness reaches two cm. With the development of pathology, the papules take the form of a fungus, turn dark brown or even black.
The process of development of a seborrheic wart lasts more than a dozen years, but malignant transformations with papules do not occur during this period.
Features of the treatment of warts

What you need to know when treating warts:
- it is completely impossible to get rid of papillomavirus infection, it will remain in the body forever. The main task of the carrier is to deactivate the virus, transfer it to a latent form;
- the disease is recurrent;
- after removal of the wart on the epidermis, as a rule, marks remain in the form of scars and scars;
- sometimes the formations disappear on their own, especially in young patients.
Important! Identification of the first signs of warts should not cause panic, a timely visit to a dermatologist and the appointment of effective treatment will help eliminate signs of pathology and maximize the remission period.
Traditional methods to treat warts.
Note! The therapeutic course is based on the use of drugs and classical techniques, however, in the early stages of the disease, clear success can be achieved with the help of traditional medicine.

Comprehensive treatment of warts involves the use of drugs of general and local action, as well as medical procedures.
Folk methods of treating warts:
- removal of papules with laser. It is considered one of the most effective and fastest methods, it does not damage the skin;
- electrocoagulation method. Promotes the reduction of growths due to exposure to high temperatures;
- cryotherapy or cauterization;
- surgical removal. This method is used very rarely.
Is it possible to get rid of warts with traditional medicine?
The following folk remedies have a beneficial effect in the treatment of neoplasms:
- celandine juiceUsed to cauterize papules;
- compresses and decoctions based on celandine;
- rubbing with dandelion juice. Lubricate the affected areas should be at least three times a day;
- garlic and onion juice;
- curative infusion based on wormwood.
You can get rid of warts by performing cold procedures. Cauterization with vinegar gives a positive effect. However, when using vinegar or its essence, safety rules must be followed.
The appearance of a wart on the skin indicates disorders within the body, therefore, when the first signs of pathology are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor to diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.